Wednesday, November 28, 2012

10 Things Not Useful and Useless

Imam Ibn Al Jauziyah Qoyyim say that there are ten things that are not useful.

           : have the knowledge but not practiced.
         : do good but not sincere and do not follow the guidance of the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam.
           : own property but are reluctant to infak his fortune. The property is not used for useful things in the world and is also not preferred for the sake of the Hereafter.
         : heart empty of love and longing for God.

           : the neglect of the body obey and serve God.
Sixth           : love in which there is no blessing from the beloved and love who will not obey his command.
       : the not filled with kindness and approach to God.
         : the mind is always spinning on things that are not useful.
           : work that does not make you more devoted to God and does not improve your world affairs.
          : fear and hope in the creature he himself was in the hands of God.
The creature can not let go of the danger and bring benefits to him, nor can it turn on and off and can not turn the dead.
That's ten things that neglect and wasted. Among the top ten most dangerous thing and is the origin of all kinds of negligence is two things: HEART AND TIME ARE ALWAYS negligent wasted.
Hearts were negligent would make someone put the world rather than the Hereafter, so he tends to follow the passions. While wasting a long time will make a person mentally.
 And all sorts of damage accumulated due to follow passions and fancies long. While there are all sorts of goodness for following al-huda (guidance) and is always prepared to meet the Lord of the Worlds.
 May we always get useful knowledge. Praise be to God, who by His blessings be perfect goodness.

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