Wednesday, November 28, 2012

10 Thousand Lights Mosque Nabawi Every Night Light

Have you ever been to the Grand Mosque in Makkah and Nabawi Mosque in Madinah at night? For those of you who have made ​​a pilgrimage to the second mosque, would be very impressed with the atmosphere of the night was hardly different from the afternoon, because the lights that adorn every corner of the mosque are both very bright.
Even a satellite image of the United States, had been photographing an object region on earth so bright compared to the surrounding area at night. Object turned out to be Haram.

So, do you know how many lights that constantly illuminate the night, particularly in the Prophet's Mosque in Madinah?
As reported by Al Arabiyanews there are more than 10,000 ordinary lamps and pendant lamps and sconces 300 that decorate every corner Nabawi mosque. The lights are made with special high aesthetics.

Lighting Mosque in Madinah take many forms. There are regular lights, pendant lights, sconces and lanterns. While too much light can make the vision impaired, if less light it will be difficult to see. That's why the lights in the mosque was consecrated by the Muslims made ​​to the system in order to balance the light from the congregation could worship concentrations, and does not interfere with the eyes of the congregation.

The power lighting systems at Madinah Mosque can reach 32 megawatts to provide sufficient light for the pilgrims. There are also 8 emergency generators where each has a power of 2.5 megawatts.
"Most of the lights were placed on carving gilded brass casing. This keeps the light out of the light in the form of a beautiful and precise formations whether during the day or at night. "

Most Muslims do worship close to the evening, which is why the sharpness of light to provide a mosque to be precise. Since the lighting is an integral part of every space mosques, especially the Medina mosque which became the ritual all Muslims every day.

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