Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Three Important Testament Prophet

Abu Dhar, Jundub bin Junadah bin Abu Abdurrahman , Mu'az  bin Jabal radhiallahuanhuma of Rasulullah SAW Shallallahu'alaihi he said: "But fear Allah wherever you are, is accompanied necessarily remove evil with kindness and a man with morals gauli is a good "
This noble hadith contains valuable testament of the Prophet SAW Shallallahu'alaihi us all through life in this world. Testament relates to our relationship to God, self and others. Each of us should be in touch with our creator and this can be realized by properly only with piety to Him every moment. Also each of us will relate to
as beings who do not make mistakes and sin, then how is the accompanying error and sin by repentance which is a pious and virtuous deeds can forgive sins error. So if anyone does sin, soon accompanied by repentance and good deeds can add delete. Allaah says which means, "And the prayer is carried out on both ends of the day (morning and evening) and at the beginning of the night. The good deeds that erase mistakes "(Qs Hûd/11: 114).

Likewise we can not be separated from the community and other people around us, because humans are social creatures who are always interacting with others. Therefore he bequeath to make moral values ​​as a basis for this association. Getting along with others in a good manner can be described by the word of his others, the word of his Shallallahu'alaihi Wasallam:
"Who wants to be saved from hell and go to heaven then she died in a state should he believe in Allah and the Last Day and should he get along with others as he wants people to get along with him" (Muslim).
So the beauty of this testament, so anyone who wants to survive the next world should practice the three wills Shallallahu'alaihi Wasallam is the Prophet. Hopefully we can make it happen!

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